हिंदी के लिए, यहां क्लिक करें
Click here to view Account Opening process Guide
Account Opening Steps:
- You may need to keep the following documents ready before starting the process:
- ID Proof: PAN Card
- Address Proof: Aadhar, Driving License, Voter Card, Electricity Bill
- Your passport size photo
- Photo of Cheque leaf or Bank Passbook
- Signature
- Click here for account opening
It may take 5 to 10 minutes to submit the account opening form.
What are benefit of opening Account through this site:
- Most important benefit, you are master of your own, all things can get done from your home/office through mobile/computer, no need to visit any agent
- No charges will have to be paid for any transaction
- All transactions (buy/sale/switch) can be done by yourself in minutes, no need to visit broker, no waiting, no travel cost, no dependency
What are silent features of this app/site:
- Track all your transactions at one place, see your money growing yourself
- Make transactions like, new purchases, redeem, switch, SIP, TSP, SWP; all yourself 24 hours a day and within minutes
- Money gets debited directly from your bank account, so no writing of cheques for each investment
- Money gets credited directly in your bank account once you put redemption request within 1-3 days, so no more waiting and visit to broker visit
- Invest and Earn - Start your Mutual Fund investment journey within minutes
- Goal-Based Investment – Define your goals and calculate the SIP amount to achieve them
- Tax Savings Investments – Explore tax saving options by investing in ELSS mutual funds
- Big Savings Account – Earn more (6-7%)on your idle cash which can be instantly withdrawn 24*7
- Expense Tracker – Analyze your spends and manage your money smartly.
Still any question? Do write to us and we will be happy to help you with your investment.
Happy Investing. Click HERE to start your paperless investment today.
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